It was an arduous day. I gave it my best shot and got what I deserved... or so I think. And just like the setting sun, it was time for me to retreat from the gory battleground, the stench of which clogged my lungs and made me feel nauseated.
For some unknown reasons, I took the longer way to home. The street lights that adorned the pathway looked brighter than usual, the sound of conch shell echoed in the air. The soft breeze brushed past my face. I felt good. I felt sorted.
On one such evening, I remember, I told you how I like taking a stroll by the moonlight hand-in-hand with you. Settling on the park bench by the road side.... on one such evening, I remember relishing candy floss with you.
I turned back to take a glimpse at the row of benches in the park. Some occupied... some empty.
That one particular bench looked shabby and lonely. The tiles have discoloured with time. The edges have worn out. I could almost sense that it was calling out my name. I hesitated but couldn’t resist walking towards it. It was like a reunion of two long lost friends. I wished I could hug my mate and stroke its back gently out of affection. Nonetheless, I sat on it resting my back against it.
Memories flashed by. On one such evening, when I scored low and dreaded going home, you soothed me with ice creams and consoling words. And of course, I do remember feeding you the leftovers from my tiffin box just because you gave away yours to some ill-fed urchin. The park bench has witnessed it all. We have all come a long way since then... I said to myself.
My phone beeped. It was time for me to leave. I dint want to part from my friend but the incessant beeps on my cell phone reminded me that it was time to move on....
As I crossed the busy lane, I turned back to take a look at the park bench one last time. A young couple has just settled on it. Time replaced you and me with them, I thought. Its time to move on, I reminded myself once again...