How does it feel like when the person you love the most gives you a cold shoulder? It bleeds.... You try hard to cope with it and move on in life. Every time you try not to think about it, you end up sulking and wondering what things otherwise could have been. However desperately you try, you fail.....the pain spreads on all over your body and cripples you. Sometime it even chokes you.
I feel numb, these days. Looking back, I wonder why did I land up in something like this. Where did things go wrong! I know, I would never get an answer to those endless questions that run in my mind all day long. When I go through the old pages of my life book, I often come across a smiling girl, a chirpy one, full of life who loves to live her life on her own terms. Nothing bogs her down except Maths exam. I realize its me.....lost in the ushers of time.
How long does it take to adjust to the reality! Did i deserve this? Maybe, I did. Maybe I am paying for the sins that I have committed. Maybe someone else is also scribbling something like this on a rough page or a blog and I am to be held responsible for it. I do not know. How long will I have to pay for my sins?
I wish I could have done away with all those small expectations and hopes that I had from life. I wish....with a sigh! Would I ever meet happiness again? Would life ever take a different course from here? I am yet to hear from.....